
Campaign Issues

Breakdown of Each Individual Issue

Abolition of the Federal Reserve System, and the Establishment of a Non Fiat Currency

The Federal Reserve System is an entity that has too much centralized control over the U.S. economy. The Federal Reserve will be replaced with a non-fiat currency, restoring financial stability and public trust.

Repatriation of All Equity from Federal Reserve System, Domestic, and Abroad

Plans to reclaim all U.S.-owned equity tied to the Federal Reserve, both within the country and internationally. This move aims to strengthen America’s economic backbone and benefit its citizens.

Implementation of Secure Borders to Ensure Integrity of New Monetary System

With the introduction of a new monetary system, securing national borders becomes even more vital. Steven’s plan includes robust measures to ensure that the integrity of the nation’s financial system is protected.

Complete Inventory of All Gold Reserves, Including Wealth Stored in NSA Bunkers

Transparency and accountability are key in Steven’s vision for America. A complete audit of all gold reserves—including those in secret locations—will be undertaken to provide a clear picture of national wealth.

Overhaul Banking, and Usery, Change Laws for Brokerage, Insurance, and Banking

Steven aims to drastically reform the financial sector, addressing usurious practices and revising outdated laws that govern brokerage, insurance, and banking.

Ban on All Digital Currency Products

In order to safeguard the stability and integrity of the new non-fiat monetary system, a complete ban on all digital currency products is necessary. Unlike physical assets such as gold, digital currencies are highly volatile and susceptible to hacking, undermining the strength and reliability of our financial ecosystem. By eliminating digital currencies, we ensure that our new monetary system remains robust, secure, and insulated from the vulnerabilities inherent in digital financial technologies. This will create an environment of trust and certainty, crucial for both individual savers and the broader American economy.

Complete Overhaul of American Security Agencies, Including NSA, CIA, FBI, HS, etc.

A thorough reform of all security agencies is on Steven’s agenda, aiming for more transparency, efficiency, and public accountability.

Abolition of the Patriot Act

The Patriot Act represents not just a perceived infringement on American liberties, but a direct assault on the very bedrock of our democracy: the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. By expanding the government’s surveillance capabilities and compromising the integrity of our justice system, this law erodes the protections that are fundamental to our nation’s identity. Abolishing the Patriot Act is not simply a corrective measure; it’s a necessary step to restore the sanctity of our constitutional freedoms. The dissolution of this act would reinstate the proper checks and balances that ensure governmental powers are not abused, restoring the foundational liberties upon which America was built.

The Return of the First Amendment, and the Removal of Corporate Control Over Free Speech

The First Amendment is non-negotiable. Steven aims to remove corporate influence from the control and dissemination of information, returning free speech to the people.

Term Limits in Congress, and the Banning of Insider Trading by Members

Long-term political careers can lead to entrenched interests. Steven supports term limits in Congress and will ban insider trading among its members.

End All Tenure of Career Bureaucrats in US Government

Inefficient bureaucracy stifles progress. By ending permanent tenure for career bureaucrats, Steven aims to create a more dynamic and responsive governmental structure. He advocates for an end to all such tenures, allowing for fresh perspectives and ideas.

Banning of Any Dual Citizen from Holding Any Office in the USA

National interest should be the only interest. Steven proposes that only American citizens without dual citizenship should be eligible for public office, ensuring undivided loyalty to the nation.

Complete Review of All Foreign Policy, and the End of the Support for the American Coup in Ukraine

It’s time to reassess our global stance. Steven calls for a complete review of all foreign policy, including ending American support for the coup in Ukraine to focus on diplomacy and constructive international relations.

A Real Removal of All Mafia from American Politics, and a Shut Down of Mafia Operations Worldwide

Organized crime has no place in a just society. Steven will work tirelessly to root out and shut down mafia operations both domestically and internationally.

Re-industrialize the USA, Reverse the Print Money, Make Nothing Doctrine in Effect Now

To bolster the American economy, Steven proposes the end of the “print money, make nothing” doctrine, aiming for a renaissance in American manufacturing and industry.

Bring All Taiwanese Semi-conductor Production to the USA with Any Taiwanese That Want to Live Here

Semi-conductors are critical for modern life and technological sovereignty is essential. Steven aims to bring all Taiwanese semiconductor production stateside, offering Taiwanese experts the opportunity to migrate and contribute to American innovation.

Engage Russia in an Effort to Solve the Fukushima Problem So That We May All Live

Global challenges require international cooperation. Steven plans to collaborate with Russia to find a solution for the ongoing Fukushima crisis.

Complete Budget Overhaul Including NON-DISCRETIONARY Spending

Transparency and efficiency in government spending are crucial. Steven proposes a thorough revision of the federal budget, including non-discretionary spending.

Remove All Laws Protecting Drug Companies from Lawsuits

Accountability in healthcare is non-negotiable. By removing laws that protect drug companies from lawsuits, Steven aims to ensure safer and more effective medicines for all.

End All Vaccine Programs Until New Evaluations of the Entire Program Have Been Completed

Public health should be data-driven. Steven calls for a moratorium on all vaccine programs until thorough evaluations can be conducted, ensuring public safety and effectiveness with a thorough review of all vaccine programs.

Return American Medicine to Non-Profit, and Pursue Those That Have Abused Our Funds

Health over profits—Steven aims to return American medicine to a non-profit model, focusing on patient care rather than corporate gain as well as holding accountable those who have exploited it for personal gain.

Remove All Gender Alteration, and End the War on Testosterone

Committed to a more traditional view on gender and health, Steven aims to halt medical practices related to gender alteration and combat societal trends he sees as diminishing natural testosterone levels.

Ban GMO Food, and the Right to Patent Life

Ethical boundaries in science must be respected. Steven calls for a ban on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food and an end to the patenting of life forms, reverting to natural and traditional methods of farming and food production.

Ban Geo-Engineering, Retract Any Global Warming Initiatives

Environmental stewardship should be grounded in proven science. Steven advocates for a ban on geo-engineering projects and a reevaluation of global warming initiatives.

Ban CRISPR Tech, and Prohibit Any Product from Any Country Where This Is Used

In line with his cautious stance on bioengineering, Steven proposes a ban on CRISPR technologies and will prohibit imports from countries that employ such technologies.

Remove Spyware, Back Doors from Consumer Devices, Compensate Consumers

Your data is your own. Steven proposes the removal of all spyware and backdoors from consumer devices, along with proper compensation for past infringements.

Take Control of All High-Speed Internet Encryption

Cybersecurity is of paramount importance. Steven’s plan includes taking control of encryption protocols to safeguard national interests.

Hold All Service Providers, Including Utilities, to a Serving the Public Policy, and Not the Profit System in Place Now

Utility companies should serve people, not profits. Steven aims to reorient service providers, including utilities, towards public interest rather than profit.

Overhaul American School System, Including the Banning of Teacher's Unions

Our children deserve the best education. Steven proposes a complete overhaul of American schools, including banning teacher’s unions which often put institutional interests over educational excellence.

Fair Social Security to People Who Paid in, With Realistic Adjustments for Dollar Value Paid In

Social Security should function as a reliable safety net for Americans who have spent their lives contributing to this system. Unfortunately, the current setup often fails to provide adequate support, particularly when taking into account the eroding value of the dollar due to inflation.

Our plan proposes a recalibration of Social Security benefits, adjusting them to realistically reflect the dollar value at the time contributions were made. This inflation-adjusted approach ensures that citizens receive a fair amount that genuinely corresponds to their lifetime contributions. By doing so, we reinstate the original promise of Social Security: to provide real financial security in retirement for those who have paid into the system.

Ban on all foreign ownership of land, or corporations, or banks in the USA

American land and companies should belong to Americans. Steven proposes a complete ban on foreign ownership of land, corporations, and banks in the U.S.

Ban on anything coming into the USA without inspection, for any reason, including art

Nothing enters the country unchecked. From art to technology, Steven proposes rigorous inspections of all items entering the U.S.

Release ion drive technology to consumers, and American aviation industry

Innovation should be accessible. Steven plans to release ion drive technology to consumers and the American aviation industry.

Create a National Agency to absorb MIC outside of the CIA

A new agency will be created to absorb Military-Industrial Complex functions, independent of the CIA, ensuring better checks and balances.

Remove all military from Syria, and Iraq, lift ALL sanctions

Steven advocates for the withdrawal of all American military forces from Syria and Iraq, and lifting all sanctions, to pave the way for peaceful diplomacy.

Review entire Foreign Aid practice

Taxpayer money should be spent wisely. Steven proposes a complete review of all foreign aid programs to ensure they align with American interests and values.

American Energy for America First

Energy independence is a priority. Steven aims to focus on developing American energy resources for domestic consumption first.

Rescind law allowing mainstream media to report lies to American public

The media should be accountable for spreading misinformation. Steven aims to rescind laws that permit mainstream media to deliberately lie to the American public.

A national campaign to plant trees in urban areas

Steven advocates for the removal of all U.S. military presence from Syria and Iraq and the lifting of all sanctions, facilitating a focus on diplomatic solutions and peacebuilding efforts.

A National Campaign to plant trees in urban areas

For a greener future, Steven plans to launch a national campaign to plant trees in urban areas.

A national campaign to bring scalar tech to the auto industry to lower pollution

To reduce pollution, Steven proposes introducing scalar technology to the auto industry, paving the way for cleaner, more efficient vehicles.

An end to Maritime Law in the USA, and the removal of gold trim from all Flags of the USA

Steven believes that maritime law has no place in a sovereign, land-based nation like the United States. He proposes to end the application of maritime law in domestic legal matters and also calls for the removal of gold trim from all American flags, symbolizing a return to constitutional governance.

The DE-militarization of the police, and an end to asset forfeiture laws

Public safety should not come at the cost of civil liberties. Steven advocates for the de-militarization of police forces across the nation and the termination of asset forfeiture laws, which have been abused to confiscate property without due process.

Remove any ban on Cannabis, and release any person convicted of nonviolent Cannabis related crimes

Steven calls for the legalization of cannabis and the release of any individuals incarcerated for non-violent, cannabis-related offenses. This is a step towards a more equitable criminal justice system that focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment.

Release and Exonerate Julian Assange

In the spirit of upholding freedom of the press, Steven demands the immediate release and exoneration of Julian Assange, who has been imprisoned for his journalistic activities that served public interest.

Ban any late term abortion unless the mother's life is in danger

While respecting women’s reproductive rights, Steven believes that late-term abortions should only be allowed if the mother’s life is in danger, striking a balance between medical ethics and personal freedom.

Prevent any prohibition of family aid to homes where the father is present

Steven opposes any prohibition of family aid to homes where fathers are present, advocating for a more inclusive approach to welfare that supports all family structures.

Promote the spay and neutering of pets, and ban kill shelters

A society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable. Steven promotes the spaying and neutering of pets and proposes a ban on kill shelters, shifting towards a more humane approach to animal welfare.

The Future is Here.

The Future is Here.

Steven D Kelley